Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Innovation- From swords to snipers!!

I have now made a choice and I choose to share ideas on topics that can be related to any person irrespective of caste, creed, profession or nationality. I hope my writing reaches out to as many people as possible and makes a difference in their lives. CHANGE is a necessary criteria for happiness, better learning and improvement in personalities. Be it change in profession, environment, fashion, lifestyle, attitude, perception, goals, vehicles and so on, a good change always makes a person different from others. We all love changes as long as it is good for us. CHANGE is essential when a person has to stand out from a crowd of stereotypical people.

A good CHANGE that is entirely new is referred to as INNOVATION. Now how about being innovative in whatever you do? How about changing the life around you? If you want to be an INVENTOR, an INNOVATOR or a CREATOR, CHANGE your THOUGHTS to change the world around you. Let's begin to see the world through OUR eyes and not through other's eyes. I could think of some of the most important factors that could bring out the innovative YOU.

  • Make a CHOICE
  • Think BIG and DIFFERENT
  • Research while creating NEW ideas
  • DEVELOP the idea

Make a CHOICE about what you want to create. Remember, ANYTHING is possible to create out of the resources available around us. As you take a brisk morning walk or sip a cup of coffee at a nearby coffee shop, notice the people around you. As you watch the sweeper cleaning the roads in the morning, does it strike to you about ways that can make a sweeper's work easier in cleaning the roads? Can you think of making a broom that can sweep the entire road at one sweep? I am sure most of us keep getting such beautiful thoughts in our minds as we notice things around us. But all that matters is, how REAL can you make your idea! Choose what you want to bring into the world and use the resources effectively.

Think BIG and DIFFERENT when an idea strikes your mind. Perhaps this is the most important factor that can foster innovation. When an idea strikes you, think again whether this idea can make a big difference to others or whether it is short lived. I would reiterate, lets think BIG and beyond the common imagination. Let's not limit our life to going on a world tour. Let us start thinking of visiting the entire galaxy of stars and planets in our lifetime. Would you think of a family trip to Venus or Venice? :)

Always RESEARCH for more information about your idea. Perhaps you are unaware that the idea is already in place. Long ago, an idea struck to me about starting a services based firm that could cater the needs of busy middle-class society and alternatively transform the lives of people from backward classes. However after a thorough research, I discovered that such a firm already existed and was already successful.  Perhaps you may add more ideas to your already existing idea. Eg:- If an idea of starting a toy manufacturing firm that manufactures toys for children struck to you, you may probably tune your idea and think of making toys for old men/women aged above 70. Toys that might help improve their physical and mental stamina or toys that would be helpful in refreshing their memories.

Be FEARLESS about your thoughts and ideas. While I was introspecting the events in my life, I recollected several incidents where I had made a choice after analyzing results of other people who made similar choices. Like them, I too succeeded in whatever I chose. I played SAFE. I had chosen to neither make my life different nor make a difference in others lives. While the events around me occurred as expected, things around me never changed. Perhaps I would already be a successful entrepreneur now had I not played SAFE then. I read many articles about the most SUCCESSful people in the world. I compared my life with them and searched for reasons that made us different. And the first call from my inner voice was "FEARLESSNESS". I realized that none of these successful men ever bothered about "FEAR OF FAILURE". This helped them focus more on their goals and helped them achieve it. They had no FEAR to chase the dream they planned to live in. I believe most of us live in FEAR in our day to day lives. FEAR of failure, rejection and loss, top the list. And the fear arises when we aspire to do something different. INVENTION cannot go hand in hand with FEAR.

Start DEVELOPing the idea once you close in on one. Discuss with the right people about your idea, approach mentors or people related to that particular industry where your idea circles around, network with great people who can guide you thereon to succeed in implementing your idea. Read a lot about the challenges that you might come across during the development phase. Plan yourself well to overcome any challenge. Take calculated risks all the way. And of course, Be FEARLESS. It is your IDEA and no one can make a better use of this idea except YOU.

Have fun during the process and visualize those moments when people around you are already using your idea that has made a difference in their lives. As you constantly focus on these thoughts, I am sure there is more desperateness to put your ideas into action!!


  1. Yet another highly informative, inspiring writeup. Keep the blog powered ON :)

    Just to add, I came across a passage while reading a book. I feel this is the best place to share those words by Doug Richard of BBC. He says-"People walk around being annoyed at how awkward the world is, not realising that in fact they are being presented with a buffet of ideas-in-waiting. Whenever you say to yourself that you are annoyed by something, you should say yo yourself, I wonder if there is a better way. And in that lies the genesis of most ideas. Almost all great ideas come out of transforming a problem into a solution. As soon as you start looking at all the problems in life as opportunities, then you will find yourself with many ideas to choose from."

  2. Good one Yash..I believe that the factor of 'fearlessness' is the most critical to over come and once achieved there is no stopping that individual!

    Nice title by the way :)

  3. hey very nice....keep it goin...
